The Quest For a Disciplined Life

Confab With Me

Every single time I  flew the red eye,  I had failed to get a good reason to justify flying overnight. Today was no different. I was on a red-eye flight from the bay area to Newark. My inability to sleep on a plane led my mind to deep thoughts. There was no one to interrupt, and I wandered on a path of self-discovery.

As I was flying over Chicago for another hour and a half to reach home, the question that I tried to answer was the definition of happiness.  For some time now, I felt happier than ever before. Inspired, I desired to get to the root of what happiness meant. Could it be the wealth one accumulates over a lifetime or a lifestyle that one could afford to buy? Or was it simply the bliss of being surrounded by a loving family? There could be a protracted list and…

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9 thoughts on “The Quest For a Disciplined Life”

  1. The conversation between the principal and your son is so touching.. But I am sure he understands that you work for the family. Salute to all your hard work! And thanks for sharing this.. good lessons in life!

  2. A good lesson in your write up. Experiences like those are like a shake-up in our lives to acknowledge the true meaning of life. Well written. Well, you know you are good at this.

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