
Confab With Me

You are like that song,
lingeringย to a point of annoyance,
Yet hard to abstain.

the tuneย glued permanently in my head,
No matter how hard I try,
The words fail to recollect,
And more I want to push it away,
It escalates with further vigor,
growing on me as the time advance.

And then after some time I recall the words,
the rhyme, the tune โ€“ displaying urgency it surges,
I sing it loud,
I hum it all day long,
With the hope that neither the syllable nor you will fail me this time around.

Copyright ยฉ Shantanu Baruah

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41 thoughts on “Annoyance”

  1. Oh my..I have been through this feeling a lot..I loved you used this as a metaphor to describe someone who just keeps lingering in our thoughts

  2. Believe me, I know no other way to write abt it. it feels so refreshing to read different poets rendering the same emotions in such different ways.

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