Shades Of You

Confab With Me

The tremors of unstated desires,
The guile of unwarranted expectations,
The trembling agog of unfathomable lust,
The epitome of unexplainable allure,
You are that defines the acme of concupiscence.

The serenity of the morning mist,
The hues of the dusky skies,
The clamor of the daylight,
The calmness of the twilight,
You are what life fervently beacons for.

The daring of fearless nomads,
The incredulity of panoramic astral,
The bewilderment of ocean abyss,
The boldness of mountainous tracts,
You define what nature beholds.

The grace of a racing antelope,
The pride of the rising sun,
The purity of a gentle breeze,
The fragrance of flowery hills,
You are the potion that the world wants to devour.

You are the raindrop that meddles with soil,
petrichor raising gently making hearts to moil,
The colors of rainbow define your being,
You areโ€ฆ

View original post 66 more words

49 thoughts on “Shades Of You”

  1. โ€œthe colours of rainbow define your original being.โ€ Brilliant

  2. This is purely beautiful โค
    Can someone like this really exist๐Ÿ˜
    Your words create magic Sir ji!
    If someone can create an angel with words you!!

  3. Aww bless you Shantanu. You often use wirds that I have to find out the meaning of lol. You are great with words

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