Why I Write

Confab With Me

I write,
for my thoughts to be around,
lingering in people’s mind
long after I am gone,
and my scripts,
lost under the dust
of some forgotten tome,
for someone to discover,
those raw emotions,
vivid in front of their eyes
even when years have passed by

I write,
with the hope that
after my departure from this world
my verses will be cherished,
maybe it will inspire a few,
or it will leave someone
with a thought to ponder or two

I write,
with the hope my words
maybe sometime in the future
will be read by some terrestrial beings
to understand how perplex humans emotions are
and despite all the mayhem around
how the vibrant soul never gives up

I write
for I want imaginations to leap,
liberating the mind
and igniting views from deep within,
I write for awareness

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30 thoughts on “Why I Write”

  1. And I can only say you are a successful writer/poet.. who is impacting our lives with his positive thoughts and beautiful writing!!

  2. This poem is one of the best pieces of poetry till date. Extremely inspiring and the emotions behind writing have been so beautifully portrayed

  3. This is absolutely Beautifully written each word leaps, connects, it felt like an echo. Each fiber resonates. Such a lovely Heart Print… Memories of a Lifetime, a Legacy that will carry on.

  4. This is absolutely wonderful. Your writing is very relatable and meaningful!

  5. Hi, i’ve just realized your posts are not featuring on my feed and I do enjoy them. So I will have to visit your site to see future postings and add likes/comments etc. It must be wordpress messing up again.🙄 Lyndsey.

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