Berserk Mind

I believe, the most arduous task I have ever witness is to train a thinking mind, for against our desires it broods on vicious thoughts, ruminating on desires which are not in our direct control, and like a reticent dolt, more we attempt to impede, the mind pursues such postulations with renewed vigor and relentless grit. And conjuring such apprehensions at the end we are often left with a convoluted world and a hapless soul

Copyright © Shantanu Baruah

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16 thoughts on “Berserk Mind”

  1. Completely agree.sometimes I literary beg my mind to stop the mindless chatter but thoughts keep streaming in…

  2. Strongly agree with you. When we try to stop our mind to do anything it act as fuel for our mind and it starts repeating it just like a small child.

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